The FFL Loan Advantage Program
You’ve heard about it from your friends and business associates, out on the golf course, and perhaps even from your life insurance agent, but you still aren’t quite sure what it is, or how it can benefit you. The FFL Loan Advantage Program™ was created to educate you about premium financing and assist you with the purchase of large face life insurance policies, for estate planning purposes, or simply to leave a legacy after your passing.
Premium financing is a tool that allows you to put in force a large life insurance policy on your life to benefit your heirs, estate, business or favorite charity. When utilizing a loan from a specialty lender or bank, the collateral required is very reasonable and usually takes the form of a personal guarantee for a small percentage of the loan used to fund your policy. In most cases, no letter of credit or other assets are required to be pledged as collateral. For most seniors, there are no out of pocket costs required initially, allowing you to get the coverage you need, while you are healthy, without the financial burden of writing a large check or pledging important assets.
Contact Finance For Life:
Phone: 877.763.0098